A former Chief Executive of software, biotech, gaming, and big data companies, Kermit is the author of four books, a former writer for the San Francisco Chronicle Online, the former Publisher and Editor of Tayen Lane Publishing, a former Associate Editor for Positive Feedback, and currently Editor-in-Chief of two digital, hi-end audio magazines—AudioKeyREVIEWS!—US and AudioKeyREVIEWS!—Canada. He is also a multiple award-winning game designer (Articulation, Articulation Jr./Sr., Word by Word), the creator of the PaGuzzles line of puzzles, and a multiple award-winning screenwriter. My System
Kathe Lieber has written, edited and translated thousands of words over her long career, but still can’t quite believe she’s earned a living from playing with words every day. Her love of music goes way back, to childhood memories of playing under the piano while her grandmother, a Russian-trained concert pianist who specialized in Chopin, played. Bach, Beethoven and Mozart were household gods, along with Shakespeare.
She has written many magazine articles on subjects from chocolate and cheese to Montreal history and architecture. Her magpie mind loves research—a chocolate research trip to Europe (really!) was a highlight. Most recently, as associate editor of UHF Magazine, she has written about the making of the film Amadeus, Russian composers and protest songs. My system
Gérard Rejskind was born in Paris and still maintains a fondness for fresh baguettes, as in this photo. He studied physics, mathematics, history, and political science, a broad education for his long career in broadcast journalism. He has had parallel careers too, including custom audio design, syndicated radio production, and writing for UHF Magazine (initially called Hi-Fi Sound), which he eventually purchased and which he edits to this day. An eclectic music lover, he especially favours acoustic music in all its forms, including classical, jazz, Blues, and various forms of popular music: “Every kind of music but the boring kind,” as Rossini is believed to have said. He lives and works in Montreal.
Andre Marc has 25 years of writing experience in music and audio. A native of New York City, he currently resides in Southern California. He has written for numerous publications including Tone Audio, Audio Video Revolution, Positive Feedback, NOVO HiFi Canada, and Fair Hedon. He was indoctrinated into high end audio early in life by his father, whose love of ESL’s and tubes were major influences. He is musically obsessed, with progressive rock, jazz, folk, and world music being among his favorite genres. My System
Rain Jordan is a consultant and life coach for “creatives,” who has held positions as a Vice President of Academic Enrollment and Student Services at a graduate seminary, a Director of Admissions at a school of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine, and a Director of Student Enrollment at an Audio Engineering, Digital Film and Animation College, among others. Rain has worked as a commercial artist for many years while obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Art with a focus on Education. Rain’s interests include a love for music, tube amplification from EL34s to 572s to 845s to 300Bs, etc. (the analog experience), abstract art, and nature—our the great mother earth. My System
I have been deeply drawn to music all my life. As a teenager I arranged and played covers of Chicago and Blood, Sweat and Tears material, but realized at a certain point I knew nothing about the canon of Western music. Two music degrees later, 9 months in Freiburg, West Germany during the late 70s’ studying German and attempting to enjoy composition in the free 12 tone serialist style, and a teaching career of 32 years now all behind me, I seek comfort and solace in the search for truth and beauty. Truth is found in philosophy and history, of which I am an avid student; beauty is listening to the canon of Western music and its best offshoots, through high fidelity audiophile stereo equipment. I offer intelligent and honest reviews that honour the men and women who create such wonderful equipment. My system