TOP 5 headphone amps


The various headphone amplifiers (non-electrostatic) listed below are our subjective picks for the top headphone amplifiers in the world, based upon our reviews. That said, the list is a dynamic list and as we review new headphone amplifiers that we feel deserve a spot on the list, the list and the ranking will change to accommodate the new headphone amplifier. Things do change.


aurorasound heada

The Aurorasound HEADA headphone amplifier is musical from ‘Square One,’ ‘Jump Street,’ ‘Scratch’ or, practically, as soon as you turn it on, though it gets worlds better, thereafter. It is a beautifully, carefully designed, endgame component to pass down. Or perhaps to take to the other side. Solid state dynamics, resolution, detail retrieval, spaciousness married to tube liquidity, with remarkable tone/timbre/texture, offer #%$*@!musical bliss. What more could one ask for? $2,999



I have spent quite some time with the LTA Z10e and have heard it with every headphone in house and those that have come and gone. In this respect, the Z10e is a reviewer’s dream for its wide-ranging compatibility with headphones, ALL headphones! And the Z10e will bring to them a profound naturalness and musicality, an air-filled-spaciousness, and a transparency that is, in my experience, astonishing! $6,995



If headphones are your domain, the AMP-23R may well move beyond any solid state headphone amplifier in terms of its “sound” and with 4 watts on tap, even the Grandmother of inefficient headphones (they know who they are) will find themselves sailing along with great ease, and you with great enjoyment of them. $5,500



The HeadAmp GS-X Mini offers up prodigious detail, and resolves beautifully with a richness and natural warmth that are both beguiling and compelling. It has one of the best dynamic ranges that I’ve come across at its price point. And, as I stated above, though there are better headphone amps, they come at multiples of its price. $1,795


Ferrum OOR and HYPSOS

The Ferrum OOR and HYPSOS are two beautifully designed components that together render a truly transparent, highly resolving, neutral, though engaging platform that lets one’s music be. There is exceedingly little to no editorializing, though the combo offers a wealth of options should one seek to ‘editorialize’ one’s music. $3,190