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No doubt, the SRM-500T was STAX’s way of saying this was constructed for those new to electrostatics, for whom it may serve as a beacon to a world that is immensely charming, musical, and communicates as if a breath of fresh air. There will also be those, who see the STAX SRM-500T as but the point of entry to this world. Their sights will, no doubt, lead them farther into this incredibly beautiful, transparent, and detail rich electrostatic world.

The STAX SRM-T8000 is, decidedly, the TOTL of the STAX energizer line, as it incorporates all that its siblings do, in terms of transparency, resolutions, transient speed, etc. and on a level far above them all. The SRM-T8000 is an apex musical component that ticks the boxes across, well, all relevant parameters and then provides a near transcendental listening experience. At least, it did so for me.

Count me twice surprised now by a tubed electrostatic headphone amplifier—STAX SRM-700T—sporting 6SN7 tubes in the power role and now by a solid state electrostatic headphone amplifier—STAX SRM-700S—that stands at the doorway of two worlds—tube and solid state—though it is bereft of a single tube but can, nonetheless, speak both world’s languages rather fluently. The STAX SRM-700S is an extremely capable earspeaker energizer that, simply, must be heard.

The summary effect of the STAX SRM-700T is beguiling musicality, very good control of the bass regions, exceptional detail and resolution, and incredible dimensionality. The mix of these traits contribute to a rather fascinating you-are-there realism, which I have mentioned throughout my notes and in my reviews of, literally, everything STAX!
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